Analysis of Time Series StructureSSA and Related TechniquesNina Golyandina Vladimir Nekrutkin Anatoly ZhigljavskyCHAPMAN & HALL/CRC, 2001 |
Data download:
Here you can download all the real-life data used in the examples of the book 'Analysis of time series structure: SSA and related techniques': GNZdata.zip (50kb)
Description of the data:
Data name | Chapter | File name (variable) |
Births | 1 | Births |
Coal sales | 3 | Petrol (COAL) |
Demands | 3 | Demands |
Drunkenness | 1 | Drunk |
EEG | 1 | EEG |
Eggs | 1,2 | Eggs |
England temperatures | 1 | Temp_uk |
Fortified wine | 2 | Wine (FORT) |
Gold price | 2 | Gold_pr (G_CP) |
Hotels | 1 | Hotel (OC_R) |
Investment | 1 | Inv |
Petroleum sales | 3 | Petrol (PETR) |
Precipitation | 2 | Pre_east |
Production | 1 | Prod |
Rose wine | 1,2 | Wine (ROSE) |
Sunspots | 3 | Sunspt |
Tree rings | 1 | Treering |
Unemployment | 1 | Wg_unemp |
Wages | 2 | Wages |
War | 1 | War_viet (US) |
White dwarf | 1 | Dwarfst |
Source of data:
Other sources: